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Learn Hacking Windows 10 Using Metasploit From Scratch

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视频 2024-2-4 19:37 2024-4-26 18:17 19 1.72 GB 77
Learn Hacking Windows 10 Using Metasploit From Scratch的二维码
  1. 03 Gaining Access/015 Metasploit Fundamentals.mp463.34MB
  2. 01 Preparing/001 Installing Kali Linux 2.0 as a Virtual Machine (VirtualBox).mp415.05MB
  3. 01 Preparing/002 Installing Kali Linux 2.0 as a Virtual Machine (VMware).mp46.81MB
  4. 01 Preparing/003 Installing Kali Linux 2.0 as ISO image.mp413.54MB
  5. 01 Preparing/004 Setup Windows 10 as a Virtual Machine.mp46.02MB
  6. 01 Preparing/005 Setup Metasploitable as a Virtual Machine.mp49.15MB
  7. 01 Preparing/006 Configure the Network Settings.mp421.13MB
  8. 01 Preparing/007 Connecting Wi-Fi card to the Virtual Machine.mp46MB
  9. 01 Preparing/008 Updating Kali Linux.mp46.78MB
  10. 02 Information Gathering/009 Introduction.mp45.14MB
  11. 02 Information Gathering/010 Discovering the connected clients.mp412.4MB
  12. 02 Information Gathering/011 Scanning the target OS (Part 1).mp436.38MB
  13. 02 Information Gathering/012 Scanning the target OS (Part 2).mp423.13MB
  14. 02 Information Gathering/013 Scanning the target OS using GUI.mp415.27MB
  15. 03 Gaining Access/014 Gaining Access introduction.mp43.87MB
  16. 03 Gaining Access/016 Creating a Payload using Msfvenom.mp422.61MB
  17. 03 Gaining Access/017 Creating an Encoded Payload using Msfvenom.mp423.6MB
  18. 03 Gaining Access/018 Testing the Payload in the target OS.mp426.06MB
  19. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/019 Introduction.mp42.84MB
  20. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/020 Installing Veil Framework.mp419.25MB
  21. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/021 Creating an undetectable Payload.mp429.21MB
  22. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/022 Combine an EXE file with the Payload (1st method).mp433.87MB
  23. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/023 Combine an EXE file with the Payload (2nd method).mp423.83MB
  24. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/024 Combine the Payload with an ImagePDFMP3 etc.....mp450.73MB
  25. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/025 Combine the Payload with an Excel Word file.mp433.43MB
  26. 04 Encoding and Combining the Payload/026 Spoofing the Backdoor extension.mp428.25MB
  27. 05 Post Exploitation/027 Introduction.mp43.46MB
  28. 05 Post Exploitation/028 Interact with the Target Computer (Part 1).mp428.87MB
  29. 05 Post Exploitation/029 Interact with the Target Computer (Part 2).mp427.31MB
  30. 05 Post Exploitation/030 Persist your connection in the target OS.mp430.01MB
  31. 05 Post Exploitation/031 Escalate your privileges in Windows 10.mp428.43MB
  32. 05 Post Exploitation/032 Escalate your privileges in Windows 8.187.mp419.75MB
  33. 05 Post Exploitation/033 Migrating the Backdoor with the running processes.mp430.2MB
  34. 05 Post Exploitation/034 Check the virtualization Clear log event.mp420.8MB
  35. 05 Post Exploitation/035 Uninstalling programs from the target OS.mp420.54MB
  36. 05 Post Exploitation/036 AddRemove users and changing the Admin password.mp420.87MB
  37. 05 Post Exploitation/037 What is Pivoting.mp444.7MB
  38. 05 Post Exploitation/038 Pivot from the Victim System to Own Every Device on the Network (1st Case).mp432.97MB
  39. 05 Post Exploitation/039 Pivot from the Victim System to Own Every Device on the Network (2nd Case).mp437.42MB
  40. 05 Post Exploitation/040 Stealing the target Wi-Fi password.mp430.28MB
  41. 05 Post Exploitation/041 Capture the keystrokes of the target keyboard.mp424.48MB
  42. 05 Post Exploitation/042 Stealing Windows credentials.mp425.78MB
  43. 05 Post Exploitation/043 Cracking the administrator password.mp430.29MB
  44. 05 Post Exploitation/044 Stealing the stored passwords Visited websites.mp430.89MB
  45. 05 Post Exploitation/045 Recover the deleted files from the target OS.mp426.58MB
  46. 05 Post Exploitation/046 Enumerate USB Drive history.mp45.76MB
  47. 05 Post Exploitation/047 Redirect the target from to any website.mp453.77MB
  48. 06 Hooking with BeEF/048 Introduction.mp43.47MB
  49. 06 Hooking with BeEF/049 Hooking the target browser with BeEF.mp435.39MB
  50. 06 Hooking with BeEF/050 Play any sound in the target browser.mp428.03MB
  51. 06 Hooking with BeEF/051 Capture a screenshot from the target browser.mp49.76MB
  52. 06 Hooking with BeEF/052 Redirect the target to any website.mp417.03MB
  53. 06 Hooking with BeEF/053 Run any YouTube video in the target browser.mp414.49MB
  54. 06 Hooking with BeEF/054 Stealing the target online accounts with BeEF.mp416.56MB
  55. 06 Hooking with BeEF/055 Integrate Metasploit framework with BeEF Project.mp427.4MB
  56. 06 Hooking with BeEF/056 Hacking the target Windows OS through the hooked browser.mp426.6MB
  57. 06 Hooking with BeEF/057 Having some fun with BeEF.mp433.44MB
  58. 07 Perform the previous attacks over WAN Network/058 Introduction.mp44.55MB
  59. 07 Perform the previous attacks over WAN Network/059 Configuring the router and port forwarding (1st method).mp427.48MB
  60. 07 Perform the previous attacks over WAN Network/060 Configure the Backdoor.mp416.79MB
  61. 07 Perform the previous attacks over WAN Network/061 Port forwarding using VPS SSH tunnel (2nd method).mp447.01MB
  62. 07 Perform the previous attacks over WAN Network/062 Configure BeEF over WAN network.mp420.28MB
  63. 08 Protection Detection/063 Detect Kill any Meterpreter session.mp426.88MB
  64. 08 Protection Detection/064 Detect the running backdoor manually.mp433.28MB
  65. 08 Protection Detection/065 Detecting the combined backdoor with an imagepdf etc....mp43.88MB
  66. 08 Protection Detection/066 Detecting the combined backdoor (MD5 hash).mp411.45MB
  67. 08 Protection Detection/067 Encrypting your keyboard keystrokes.mp418.33MB
  68. 08 Protection Detection/068 Analyzing the network connections.mp429.86MB
  69. 08 Protection Detection/069 Analyze the running processes.mp415.68MB
  70. 08 Protection Detection/070 Detecting the backdoor using a Sandbox.mp413.11MB
  71. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/071 Demonstration.mp411.95MB
  72. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/072 The Theory.mp45.11MB
  73. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/073 The needed hardware and software.mp431.9MB
  74. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/074 Installing needed software.mp410.23MB
  75. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/075 Converting the commands to Arduino script (CC).mp426.72MB
  76. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/076 Change the administrator password and force him to sign out.mp445.78MB
  77. 09 Hacking any Windows OS just by plugging a USB stick (Bonus Section)/077 Fully control any Windows OS within 2 seconds.mp440.92MB
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